RE/MAX Investments

Real Estate

Belize Real Estate Market

We have Belize real estate buyer’s agent on Ambergris Caye as well Belize real estate brokers for all of Belize.  Please contact them for prices of real estate listings for sale in Belize, as well as current rental rates for apartments and vacation rentals.

Quick Facts

  • Whilst Belize has one of the highest-priced real estate markets in the Central American region, by US, Canada, and UK standards prices are low attracting investor, second and Belize retirement home interest.
  • The GDP annual growth rate averaged 4.29% between 1995 and 2017, as reported by the Statistical Institute of Belize, highlighting the overall strength of the Belize economy.
  • Belize has arguably the most successful tourism market in the region and therefore presents Belize real estate investment in a Marriott hotel opportunities supported by this economic sector, yet not exclusively built upon it.
  • Increasing demand from US baby boomers and a steady increase in interest in Belize real estate from British and European investors are just two reasons to suggest a strong return on investment is possible.

You don't have to be a citizen

Owning real estate is not limited to citizens in Belize. Foreigners follow the same basic process for selecting and paying for real estate purchases. The current qualifications have been in place since 2001 and are relatively easy to understand.
There is one difference that involves undeveloped property. If the plan is to purchase a tract of land and build a house rather than purchase property with a pre-existing structure, it is necessary to work with the Central Building Authority. The CBA is one of the newer government agencies in Belize and is responsible for setting the codes and standards that apply to new construction. That includes the construction of private dwellings. Both citizens and foreigners wishing to purchase property for development must have plans that are in full compliance with the CBA’s current standards.

No need for physical presence

There are places around the world where you have to be physically present to purchase any type of investment real estate. That’s not the case in Belize. It’s possible to handle all of the details without coming to the country itself. Of course, you do always have the option of traveling to Belize and conducting a search and purchase in person.

Technology is one of the reasons that you can manage the task from a remote location. Our team of professionals can oversee the entire process from start to finish with our experience of placing hundreds of investors into investment properties for over a decade.

Conduct a Title Search

How will our team make a difference? Our professional team will handle all of the details related to the final purchase. Prior to that, the we will personally oversee your title search. That search is essential, since it we have already identified any prior claims on the property, confirm property lines, and in general make sure that there are no legal impediments to purchasing the investment real estate.

In terms of the sale documents, our specialist will make sure everything is in order. That includes if required preparing and helping you remit what’s known as the stamp tax or stamp duty. As of 2019, that tax amounts to no more than 8% of the total purchase. The attorney will also have good news for you: Belize does not impose capital gains taxes on real estate purchase.

Confirmation of funds

When you submit a bid or offer on an investment Property you’ll also have to provide confirmation that you can back up that bid or offer. This means providing proof that you have the cash on hand to make the purchase in full. Alternatively, you will need to provide some sort of confirmation that you already have financing in place that’s adequate to cover the purchase.

Remember that this is above and beyond being able to make a deposit or down payment on the property. The amount of the deposit will depend on the type of investment property you’re purchasing. Generally, expect to somewhere between 20-30% of the purchase price for undeveloped or raw land banking property. If the property already includes houses and other structures, the down payment will be more in the range of 30-50%.